'There is nothing to fear but fear itself,' as the saying goes, but what if you are actually terrified not of failing but of succeeding in turning into a successful entrepreneur? Entering into any kind of an enterprise has its own sets of risks and rewards, although a lot of folk would never admit that making it is a risk that they are not prepared to take. Success does not only mean fortune and fame ; it also brings with it responsibility and pressure to be consistent.

To find out exactly how people just like you are firing their bosses and building their own home business empires without going broke, CLICK HERE!

Nobody is Perfect

There are folk who argue that they want perfection before success, and that sounds too much like a reason to be convincing, especially if they do not set the criteria for what perfection means, nor do they set a cutoff point to realize it. A lot of top earning marketers have attained their goals without this'perfection', and claiming moral ascendancy over them will not put food on your table.

Everyone will have their good days and bad days, and it's time to tell yourself that it's fine to make mistakes. If a customer or customer makes reasonable complaints, make amends and correct it. Be aware of their feedback, and use it on your later projects. That is one extra step to'perfection' that you could not make if you hadn't put your product out there in the 1st place.

Time to Move On

Naturally it's part and parcel of being a serious entrepreneur to learn as much as you can about your craft and to develop your skill, but if everyone spent all their time studying to be something, there will be nobody left to do the real work. Experience is also the best teacher ; how will you know if your product or service is up to standards, if you don't try it out in the market?

The reality is, academic study is a comfort area that some folk do not wish to head out from. You do not want to stop improving once your product hits the market. In fact, that's's the simplest way to see what improvements you must make.

A serious entrepreneur should, therefore , be results-oriented : a client or buyer would be happier to see a project that is 80% adequate, than not see a 100% perfect one.

It has been Done Before

How many products have you seen on the market which has been about for a while and will suddenly have advertisements that claims'NEW AND IMPROVED'? Businesses that work are willing to take the danger of small successes to get their feet wet and work their way up the market. At the end of the day, the sole way to become a serious entrepreneur is to take action. Remember that sloppy success beats perfect mediocrity.

If you've enjoyed all the exciting information you read here about serious entrepreneur,you'll love everything else you find at successful entrepreneurs

Richard Cantillon was the first person who defined "entrepreneur." This was taken from the French vocabulary and it means a person who invests, capitalizes, and creates a new market of goods and services. There are plenty of businesses that an entrepreneur could take on. It might even be your time to do so.

To find out how you can make killer money from home, Click Here!

What it takes to be a top marketing entrepreneur

It seems like a daunting challenge to be a serious entrepreneur these days with the recession and the tight market, but there will always be some need or new product that will have to be introduced or marketed to the public. All you have to do is find it. The most capitalization that anyone, as a top marketing entrepreneur, would have to put in would be commitment to the enterprise.

Start Small, Think Big

You don't hear many success stories of serious entrepreneurs who became millionaires overnight. That is why for every business venture, a successful entrepreneur needs to start by building a solid base. Plenty of serious entrepreneurs abide by this philosophy, and that is why many of them use multilevel marketing and network marketing.

Most, if not all, of MLM ventures don't really require huge amounts of capital. You would even be quite surprised to learn that the foundation of these networks is the people who are closest to you personally. This doesn't make it any easier, though. The good thing about this is that it is very flexible, and it can benefit everyone, especially the consumers.

Be wary of those MLM schemes that promise "big returns" for recruiting other people. These are usually pyramid scams, and the only way to get income from these is if you dupe other people into joining the network and get their hard-earned cash for nothing.

Beating the Recession

A top marketing entrepreneur like you doesn't wait for opportunities to open up. Instead, you make them yourself. Sure it's hard, especially today, since recession is all around us. But then, it was never easy in the first place. You have to take the challenge and the risks to make investments to gain more. Well, you could always get a job, but then, that's not as rewarding as investing on your own venture.

When it comes to direct sales marketing, getting the right information can be a daunting task. That's why we put together this confidential report for you at Top Marketing Entrepreneurs.

Multi-tasking isn't bad. There are times when it is very important to do so. But then, there are some instances, especially when it comes to business, when multi-tasking should be set aside. When running a business, all your attention should be focused only be on one thing.

To find out how you can make killer money from home, Click Here!

A successful entrepreneur doesn't multi-task, and this is a fact!

So what is "multi-tasking"? Simply put, it is doing a number of tasks simultaneously at a given time. This is usually done so that plenty of work can be done over a short amount of time.

Here's an example of multitasking. While you're on your computer writing an e-mail, you could be taking a phone call with your headset, sipping coffee, and at the same time signaling a visitor to take a seat. That's a lot of tasks done in one time!

In the short-term, multi-tasking is okay, as long as what you're doing is fairly routine and technically simple. These things are so complex that an irregularity in performing here or there will severely damage the whole process. This is called "continuous partial attention", and it is okay for those everyday, mundane situations. However, the life of a successful entrepreneur, especially when it comes to business, is anything but mundane.

What a successful entrepreneur needs is full concentration. Just imagine yourself talking with a customer. It wouldn't be nice on their part if you were talking to them and at the same time doing something else like checking your phone, or reading an e-mail.

The Costs in Switching Tasks

The "switching cost" has been discovered by experimental psychologists in their research. This means that every time you change tasks, you will expend four minutes each time to be able to reach your maximum productivity. Just think: doing four tasks a time would cost you an extra 16 minutes!

Knowing that, would you still think that multi-tasking is a good thing for you and your business? True, a serious entrepreneur just has too many things to do, and sometimes 24 hours a day just isn't enough.

Any serious entrepreneur would agree that they are more productive when they finish a task one at a time. Think of the advantages of doing such. You will surely get less stressed out since you have focused all your thoughts on one thing. As you tick off items from your to-do list one by one, you have lesser things on your mind. You know, this could even be the secret to become the most successful and most serious entrepreneur!

Finally! The whole unbiased truth about internet marketing exposed.  You owe it to yourself to visit Top Earning Marketers and get the facts today.

You Have Great Potential for Success

Heat Things Up and See Great Results!

Serious Entrepreneurs always make New Year’s resolutions, right?

Check out the latest stats … 30% of all New Year’s resolutions are broken within the first week.

Not too promising, is it?

It’s been said that “an optimist stays up until midnight to see the New Year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.”

So, being the optimist, I contemplated some resolutions I could make for 2009…learn to dance like the stars?  Not in a million years.  Give up smoking?  I enjoy my occasional cigar too much. Golf more?  Now we’re talking.  Take my business to the next level?  Absolutely!


After taking a 90-Day Challenge online marketing course for serious entrepreneurs early this year and saw the impact it made on my focus and mindset, I’ve decided to challenge myself.  No one-week resolutions that by next year will be long forgotten.  But 90 days to meet a list of goals I made for myself:

1.    Leverage my time and money.  After experiencing tremendous growth this year, of which I’m very grateful, there’s no better time to hire some help than now.  With the economy in the worst slump in decades, people are desperate for work.  There are talented people waiting to be discovered.  So I’m investing my money in people instead of “stuff.”

2.     Master social media.  As you all know, the internet marketing industry is not for the faint of heart.  It takes time, dedication, and perseverance.  Building relationships and trust is crucial.  Knowing how to use and leverage PPC is a huge part of the online game; but if visitors to your sites don’t know or care who you are, you can kiss their business goodbye.

    I’ve talked about using Web 2.0 and social media many times, and Twitter is the breakout star!  It's going to be an important way to market and stay in touch with customers in the future.  

Twitter is where it’s at...

I've registered and am going to be using it to collaborate with others, start discussions, and get input...and I'd REALLY like it if you were connected to me.

    If you don’t have an account, open one.  Just click "find people" at the top after you register, and search "Art_Basmajian"... then click "follow"... and you'll get my "Tweets" when I send them out.

3.    What’s Working – What’s Missing – What’s Next??  Constant evaluation of what is producing results and then processing that feedback is vital.  If something isn't working, I need to make note of it and move on. There is something to be said for letting yourself "fail quickly" - this concept is really the key to success. As a serious entrepreneur, I need to continually remind myself and my team of what is working, fix what’s not, and to forget about the rest!

Asking “what’s next” will help you come up with new ideas, new niches, and new opportunities to make more money online!

Don't let fear of the recession guide your goal setting plans for 2009.  

This is a BIG mistake!

Fear is an emotional response, only good for short-term survival.  When you're in "fight or flight" mode, you're not thinking clearly about the path you're running... You're just RUNNING!  So your efforts lack strategy, planning, and insight.

Internet shopping is predicted to hit $145.1 Billion in the coming year, a significant 14% increase -- despite the recession!

Consumers will be spending more time at home, using their computers for everything from bargain hunting and product research to upgrading skills.

And studies show this shift is ALREADY well underway...!

So don't let the Big "R" stop you from pursuing exciting personal, financial, and business goals in 2009.  I want you to do more than just survive 2009.  I want you to dominate!


If any of these goals I’ve set for myself resonate with you, I challenge you to join me in your own Serious Entrepreneur 90-Day Challenge.  I’m committed to helping you reach your financial goals, but it’s got to start with you.

Talk is cheap.  Take action!

Wishing you major health, wealth, and happiness in 2009!

P.S.  If you’ve already purchased Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring manual, you’re on the right track. It’s a MUST in the network marketing industry.

His highly recommended Building on a Budget course lays out great low cost marketing strategies that can really help to grow your business quickly even if you have limited funds to work with.

Serious Entrepreneur, does it seem you’re burning the candle from both ends?  With tough times upon us, the pressure to succeed in business is greater than ever before.  In our quest to be get ahead, we’re working harder and longer just to stay in the race.

It often feels like a losing battle…

As internet marketers, we guide and motivate our team members, talk to prospective clients, reply to endless emails and text messages, keep up to date with all the new marketing strategies, promote our campaigns, get bombarded with guru launches that promise to make us richer faster and easier…and fit in time for our family and ourselves.
And not getting sick, going crazy, or taking it out on the dog??

In the January issue of Professional Speaker magazine, serious entrepreneur John Alston writes: "For some of us, work is our first love, and for those of us struggling to make our businesses work, there are patient and enduring lovers, spouses and children hanging in there with us. For others there are ex-lovers, ex-spouses and alienated children who can and will testify to what you really value."


Every job comes with a certain amount of stress, but having your own business -- and whether or not you market on the internet full-time, you must look at it as a business and NOT a hobby -- is a whole different ball game.  And most likely no one taught you how to handle the pressure.  It was sink or swim, and you worked out the inevitable challenges on your own.

The most successful internet marketers and business owners that I know have a passion for what they do.  They are stimulated by the challenges and opportunities that come with being their own boss.  They thrive on being entrepreneurs and discovering that next golden nugget that will take their business to the next level.  They wake up excited to see what a new day will bring.

But they know when to put away the laptop and cell phone…

Serious entrepreneurs who have found joy have a life beyond checking their email, landing the next deal, and checking their spreadsheets for that day’s profits.

They take time for "dates" with their spouses, attend their children’s sports events and piano recitals.  They hit the gym, fish and hunt, take guitar lessons, and have backyard barbecues. They take time to meditate, do yoga, read just to rejuvenate.

A balance between work, play, worship, and giving back to the community is not so much about finding the time to do everything equally.  It’s more about recognizing that time consistently spent engaging in the activities that we love the most feeds our soul and enables us to live a satisfying, grounded life.

If you often hopelessly utter, "I wish I had enough time to ..."
Stop! You’ll never get it all done. The things on your to-do list never get completely crossed off.  So, take stock and decide what means most to you, what you love to do.  And the rest can either be forgotten or outsourced when it comes to your business.
Take a few minutes and watch the video below:

Albert Schweitzer said, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”


If you’re committed to stop the juggling act and want to make your marketing business work for you instead of being a slave to your business, I can help.

Wishing you major health, wealth, and happiness in 2009!

P.S.  If you already have Mike Dillard’s indispensable Magnetic Sponsoring, you need to check out his newest hot-off-the-press training material.

Mike has always said that if had to choose the one way to generate leads
above all others, it would definitely be PPC.  The free training videos are worth taking a look at PPC Domination.

To be a successful entrepreneur, you must have the entrepreneur mindset. You need to condition your mind that you are in this for the long run. Try to think of it as a career. What better way to start than with some significant self-improvement?

To find out how you can become successful Entrepreneur Click Here!

Entering network marketing is a challenge. You have to be fully-equipped with the knowledge and the skills to make it in this industry. You have to have a lot of guts, too.

You: Your Greatest Asset

Success comes to those who toil hard. If an opportunity comes, you have really got to give it your all. You just can't do things half-heartedly and expect them to pay off.

You are the asset whose worth will never decrease, nor dissipate. Whatever capital input you put into educating yourself will directly and immediately accrue on your value. You are also the only asset that will stay with you through it all because everything and everyone else is expendable.

Work for It

You are not perfect, though. But if you make the necessary adjustments to make yourself better, then it will be worthwhile. Getting into the millionaire state of mind is a constant learning process and not something that can be done overnight.

Read up on books that can enhance your entrepreneur mindset. After all, no harm ever came from reading a book. Here are a few titles to get your started:

- Dan Kennedy's How to Make Millions with Your Ideas: An Entrepreneur's Guide

- 4-Hour Workweek (Tim Ferriss)

- Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant (Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad)

- Magic Words that Bring You Riches (Ted Nicholas)

- No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kennedy

- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

- 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management (Hyrum Smith)

- Meatball Sunday and others by Seth Godin

- Reality Check (Guy Kawasaki)

- Toilet Paper Entrepreneur by Mike Michalowicz

You might also try attending seminars, or browsing the Web to get into the entrepreneur mindset. Ask yourself if network marketing really is the venture for you. More often than not, things just can't work if your heart, as well as your entrepreneur mindset, are not truly in it.

For the very best prices and selection of successful entrepreneurs online, there is no better place you will find than Serious Entrepreneur

If you are a newbie in an enterprise like Internet marketing, it is recommended to find an expert in this field. It would be great to have someone like this show you the ropes. You might need to find one of those successful entrepreneurs who knows what they're talking about. But finding the right resource person who is skilled in both business and mentorship might be taxing.

No matter what the argument is, however, teaching is a career so respected that it's almost revered.

To find out how you can became a top earning entrepreneur, Click HERE!

The Good Teacher

Here's an adage that's been the source of controversy for many an academe: "Those who can't do, teach." If this is true, many argue that it inappropriate simplifies the complexity of the teaching profession and all its inherent skills.

On the flip side of that coin is the idea that those who CAN do, CAN'T teach because knowing something inside your head and applying it to practical use, as well as being able to get someone else to do it as successfully as what you have are two very different things.

Be Cautious

While finding Mr. Right, you have probably been flooded with ads about how to be among the world's top earners. Before you believe these ads, however, here are a few tips to help you find the real deal:

1. If you have a history with this guru, look back and analyze to determine if you do have a future together. If not, ask around and see how other students have fared with him.

2. Research on your guru's background and find out what you need to know. This will help you determine if this person is a credible source of knowledge.

3. If he is more keen on selling something, rather than actually teaching you something useful, you might want to run the other way. True, no guru can give you a hundred percent guarantee of success, but he should be able to tell you what the odds are of you ever becoming among the successful entrepreneurs elite.

4. Find someone you can trust enough to build a relationship with. Like all relationships, you have to be compatible, both in goals and even budget. There are successful entrepreneurs who are trustworthy enough, so hold on to a gem when you are lucky enough to find one. Hopefully, they'll be able to show you the way of the successful entrepreneurs.

To get all the latest tips, tricks, and tactics about home business opportunities, be sure to visit us at Top Earning Marketers