Serious Entrepreneur, does it seem you’re burning the candle from both ends?  With tough times upon us, the pressure to succeed in business is greater than ever before.  In our quest to be get ahead, we’re working harder and longer just to stay in the race.

It often feels like a losing battle…

As internet marketers, we guide and motivate our team members, talk to prospective clients, reply to endless emails and text messages, keep up to date with all the new marketing strategies, promote our campaigns, get bombarded with guru launches that promise to make us richer faster and easier…and fit in time for our family and ourselves.
And not getting sick, going crazy, or taking it out on the dog??

In the January issue of Professional Speaker magazine, serious entrepreneur John Alston writes: "For some of us, work is our first love, and for those of us struggling to make our businesses work, there are patient and enduring lovers, spouses and children hanging in there with us. For others there are ex-lovers, ex-spouses and alienated children who can and will testify to what you really value."


Every job comes with a certain amount of stress, but having your own business -- and whether or not you market on the internet full-time, you must look at it as a business and NOT a hobby -- is a whole different ball game.  And most likely no one taught you how to handle the pressure.  It was sink or swim, and you worked out the inevitable challenges on your own.

The most successful internet marketers and business owners that I know have a passion for what they do.  They are stimulated by the challenges and opportunities that come with being their own boss.  They thrive on being entrepreneurs and discovering that next golden nugget that will take their business to the next level.  They wake up excited to see what a new day will bring.

But they know when to put away the laptop and cell phone…

Serious entrepreneurs who have found joy have a life beyond checking their email, landing the next deal, and checking their spreadsheets for that day’s profits.

They take time for "dates" with their spouses, attend their children’s sports events and piano recitals.  They hit the gym, fish and hunt, take guitar lessons, and have backyard barbecues. They take time to meditate, do yoga, read just to rejuvenate.

A balance between work, play, worship, and giving back to the community is not so much about finding the time to do everything equally.  It’s more about recognizing that time consistently spent engaging in the activities that we love the most feeds our soul and enables us to live a satisfying, grounded life.

If you often hopelessly utter, "I wish I had enough time to ..."
Stop! You’ll never get it all done. The things on your to-do list never get completely crossed off.  So, take stock and decide what means most to you, what you love to do.  And the rest can either be forgotten or outsourced when it comes to your business.
Take a few minutes and watch the video below:

Albert Schweitzer said, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.”


If you’re committed to stop the juggling act and want to make your marketing business work for you instead of being a slave to your business, I can help.

Wishing you major health, wealth, and happiness in 2009!

P.S.  If you already have Mike Dillard’s indispensable Magnetic Sponsoring, you need to check out his newest hot-off-the-press training material.

Mike has always said that if had to choose the one way to generate leads
above all others, it would definitely be PPC.  The free training videos are worth taking a look at PPC Domination.


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